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Camila Winter

  Copyright2012 The heart of the maiden—Camila Winter.todos rights reserved Reproduction in whole or part of the work without the author's consent.



  This is a story of medieval times, is the story of a beautiful maiden daughter of a wealthy Parisian goldsmith, and two men who fought to win her heart.

  Year of our Lord, 1252

  City of Paris


  It was the month of December, the month of Christmas and the virgin. A calm but cold dawn awaited him a calm day full of promise, with bright sunshine and no clouds in the blue sky.

  Agnes said her morning prayers stuck in his room and then went to church, as usual.

  At the appointed time was in the market accompanying the Beguine that she would choose the fish and meat, after one of the servants to bring him a fish in poor condition. The color, eyes, everything was important, said the good woman, but she barely paid attention. I was nervous, did nothing but look around expecting to see the carriage.

  Then saw the small wagon, shortly after the church bells announce the third hour, painfully making his way through the crowd while announcing criers to shout their wares pitcher.

  Without knowing why the girl was afraid, because no gentleman saw her anywhere and thought it would not be able to ride a cart with these strangers.

  —Let us leave and beguine, please, 'he said to his servant who looked at her strangely.

  Girl—Wait, I just saw a fish that it is worth the plump lady replied holding a silver fish with radiant expression.

  Everything happened very quickly, since fish fell to the floor and the poor woman was full of fish while Agnes screamed and the crooks caught. In the confusion, the showmen took a knife to defend himself and scoundrels stole some freshly baked breads and fish fell to the floor.

  —Damn, what's going on here? —The Beguine barely joined and immediately sought to Agnes, but could not find it anywhere. —Call the sheriff, call immediately. Agnes, oh, ... My child has disappeared again, have kidnapped! He shouted.

  She had vanished as if by magic, and some said they had seen a carriage to be carried by some squires.

  The sheriff arrived shortly after with his men but could do little, just questioning men market, the butcher, the baker, fishmonger and some might say. Someone pushed the Beguine Boudelle family, filled it with fish while scoundrels were taken to the beautiful girl and others seized the opportunity to steal what had fallen on the floor.

  All were questioned in the market but only a few had seen the wagon led by horses and thought that it was foreign bandits.

  'Yes Master constable, were dark, and smelled terrible blasphemed said a beggar of the Church of Our Lady.

  But Jacques the Butcher was wiser in his words:

  —There were foreigners, seemed crusaders, or maybe squires with their swords and shields and glistening on her breasts bound.

  Upon learning what happened Arsène gentleman met with the sheriff, had tired expression as if he had slept well, his tawny eyes gleamed off and they looked small.

  —It was Montpellier, Faubourg friend. Who else? It must be hidden somewhere in Paris waiting for its prey. It's a bastard.

  —We do not have evidence to charge him, friend.

  'Maybe not, but for days I wandered the house of Agnes Boudelle.

  'Well, well you were doing the same.

  Arsène's gaze shifted, was alert.

  —No you will say that I am responsible for the abduction, do not say osaríais ...

  'I did not say anything, sir Arsène. I only pointed out that young so zealously cuidabais just disappeared. And for the second time in no time!

  The sheriff made an impatient gesture, could not be. Are not they had been warned to take care Boudelle marriage to his daughter because Montpellier was hidden in Paris?

  —For I myself seek Master constable. Gather my friends and loyal squires and gorgonzola search. They could not go far, this time will not go ...—said with determination.

  The Beguine returned to the villa in floods of tears, and smelling fishy after searching all morning the girl Agnes.

  Marriage of goldsmiths found out what happened and sent his servants. They could not believe that her daughter had been kidnapped again.

  They warned the sheriff but this was already aware of what happened and said the seek.


  A few miles from the city center, the young Agnes Boudelle met with the gentleman of Montpellier near the priory of Saint Martin, in an abandoned adobe house. The Crusader looked triumphantly, and something else she could not understand. Only that Louis did not seem the same of your dreams, there was something in that foxy and cunning man who suddenly scared him.

  —You came beautiful, but not afraid. No one would dare to hurt you, 'he said.

  She did not answer, she was scared and wondered why he had done this madness, why he had to go to the square and had asked the man. Who was this gentleman? I do not even know him, it was almost a stranger to her.

  —But please my beautiful Paris Come, follow me.

  My God, what have I done crazy? How could I accept it? He asked the girl as she was led to a room with little furniture and a home on. In the center was a table with a sumptuous lunch, the smell had whetted the appetite and remembered I still had not had breakfast.

  —Sit down dear, 'he said gesturing pointing to a footstool.

  She obeyed and ate part of the splendid feast consisting of roast beef with sweet and sour sauce, plum cake and freshly baked fruit and cream.

  —You are silent, beautiful Paris. What is the matter? Please drink wine.

  She did not answer but drank fresh water, knew what would happen if you drank mulled wine at that time of day.

  I should not have come, 'he said suddenly.

  He stared at her a moment, then replied: 'But you wished to, my pretty. Well it seems Love has made us his captives, and you know that fool is insistent that tyrant.

  —Louis, this is a mistake, I go home, my parents have to be concerned. You can’t kidnap me again, if your intentions are honest you should talk to them. —Agnes shook and his heart was beating very fast as he spoke.

  —Oh, but I do not accept, they hate me. Do not you understand? How do you expect the son to accept the gentleman who kidnapped his precious daughter at Christmas? Never would.

  'But I can’t abandon them now, they should know that I'm okay.

  The gentleman drank her wine and asked him to prove his. She obeyed and soon realized his mistake as he began to feel dizzy and drowsy.

  —You will be fine, my beautiful, 'he said and carried her to the bed that was broad and square at the other end of the room.

  The gentleman was not going to waste time. And wrapping it with kisses and caresses slowly began to undress.

  Intoxicated and sunk in a torpor in which he did not know if it was a dream or really was happening, she resisted and sobbed to let her go.

  But both had dreamed and hoped that the raptor then felt he could not stop or let go. It would be his, tear her dress, would steal the virginity as a villain, because the desire he felt for her was so strong that threatened him mad. Her porcelain skin, so soft and light ... Her slender waist, her breasts full and high ...

  A sharp pain in his arm and stopped her enthusiasm departed stunned to realize that she had bitten him with all his might and watched him with eyes blazing and furious.

  He screamed covering his arm and then he saw the fierce bite mark. — Damn cat biting! How dare you? 'He said.

  But Agnes had lost drunken with fright and was ready to face him, to bite him again if necessary. He quickly pulled the shirt and surcoat, and when Louis wanted to catch it again gave
him such a kick that Count screamed in pain clutching his leg, and if at that point had not lost the desire nothing else could do.

  In order to be free, she fled. He ran through the house and opened the door without difficulty. The landscape of thick forest appeared before her and in the distance he could see the priory of Saint Martin. Just had to run and hide, it was a wonder that no one was around but had to be cautious.

  — Catch it her, bastards, who fled catch it her!—Heard the voice of her captor. And suddenly he saw in the distance everywhere, squires, servants armed with sticks, were a swarm. I could never escape.

  Prayed hidden in the hollow of a tree, there would be safe for a while. They seek everywhere, but by mid—afternoon had been removed from their hideout.

  And managed to escape from his pursuers by hiding and moving, always alert and stealthy as a cat in danger. I was cold and scared, and when night fell paused to mourn and regret everything that happened. He had been a fool, he never had honest intentions, just had hoped to seduce and then abandon it, or worse, to seduce her and make her his mistress. And all the time he had thought ... I had been confused with his feelings despising those who approached her.

  He slept in the open, hidden by the green foliage, listening to the hooting of owls and night birds. At least she was safe, and closer to the priory.

  CHAPTER 2 º.

  The Priory of Saint Martin was a Benedictine monastery, and gave shelter to pilgrims and travelers. I had an orchard, a fresh water spring, and one of the monks elaborated tastiest beers in the region.

  The arrival of a young woman sobbing, with hair like gold in disarray and eyes the color of the sky, bulging, disturbed the peace of the abbey and caused consternation Abbot's: an old man with white beard and dark eyes severest of all Christendom. He was a devout and was determined to be, the rules of silence, obedience and celibacy were respected and fiercely in her convent to see the young damsel in distress just thought it was the demon of temptation and sin.

  Fortunately for Agnes, was attended by the lay brothers, the same who took care of the needy and travelers, who at first thought that she had lost her mind because did nothing but mourn and say meaningless phrases.

  Until gave fresh water and some fresh bread and taken to a cell away from the main building.

  —We must talk to Father Abbot, Anselme. I fear nothing will not be pleased to know that we have given shelter to a young lady who lost the case. But what could we do? He came to the priory for help.

  Anselme shook his head. Soon be ordained monks of the monastery and that decision could harm them. The abbot was a ruthless man and nothing sympathetic to the weaknesses of the novices and priests before ordering subjected to many tests to applicants.

  They knew in advance that the presence of the young would cause problems. And her suspicions were confirmed when they found the abbot in the refectory, conversing with other monks in a barely audible voice.

  When I was in private and found out what happened her dark eyes opened and fans.

  —¿Yand let escape the devil disguised maiden? You were so naive. Merciful God, have mercy on these poor fools and all of us!

  —Lord Abbot, she claims to be from Paris, in the town of White Horse said Pierre Anselme was hiding while moving his fat hands nervously.

  Of the two Pierre was the wiser, but what she had done just showed his weakness for the needy. What if the girl was indeed who he claimed to be? Abbot was asked but then shook his head.

  — And what would a young city in these lonely places? No. That can only be a trick of the devil to lose one of my children. Where is it? Bring her immediately.

  —Father Abbot, the cell is the gray building.

  The abbot subsided to hear those words.

  —Well, at least have shown some good sense to send her there. It would have been wise to leave the building where the monks pray and live in peace. Listen well, go see the girl to his cell to convince me not to lie, and that is who they say they are. Meanwhile you will say not a word to the monks of what happened. No one must know that this girl is in the priory.

  The brothers swore to remain silent while watching the impressive away alertly abbot.

  — Do you think he really is the devil disguised as a maid? Anselme said.

  Pierre shook his head at.

  —It was just a poor girl scared.

  But Anselme was not convinced and suddenly was afraid that the abbot had to face alone the eternal enemy.

  —Oh, fear not brother, the abbot is able to intimidate the devil with his implacable genius. You forget that exorcised? Tadeo brother last summer?

  Anselme shuddered at the memory of Brother Thaddeus struggling with the demons that possessed him and forced him to say horrid imprecations. Until the abbot had expelled the devil and now the young man lived in comfort and peace with the other monks.

  In cell a young woman asleep wearing a scarlet dress nice. The abbot found the body at a distance and armed to fight the devil on his chest removing the large gold crucifix blessed, holding a relic brought from the tomb of Santiago de Compostela. Christ was a soldier armed to the teeth with unwavering faith and a fierce determination to fight the devil himself and beat him.

  — Awake impostor, eternal enemy of Christ! Awake now, do not be afraid but I hate the abbot bellowed.

  But she did not move and he had to come and pray the Our Father in Latin and other very powerful prayer to awaken the devil disguised as a maiden who slept like a baby on the pallet.

  — Awake demon now, you can’t fool me! I know you're here, wicked, dressed beautiful young flock to carry me to perdition!

  Agnes woke up scared to hear those words, I did not know where she was or why a tall man in a monk's habit, with white beard and wild eyes cross pointing a devil calling.

  —Oh, I'm not a demon father. My name is Agnes Boudelle incorporated scared she said.

  She was beautiful, with stunning beauty, because despite having hair in disarray his blue eyes were very large and limpid and wearing a rosary around his neck. He quickly knelt and begged for help, telling him that a gentleman had abducted and taken to the house of the forest, a few miles from the abbey with intent to seduce.

  —I want to go home parent, I am the daughter of a goldsmith Adrien Boudelle, maybe you know him.

  No. He did not know him, rarely went to town, lived secluded in his monastery monks watching and praying day and night. And although very young had entered the order knew of the evils of the world and this girl kissed the cross that was pointing. What demon would do that? Unclean lips would have burned, would roared madly begging compassion.

  — You carry with you a cross? Asked the abbot still suspicious.

  She taught her rosary, the cross and the small prayer book still carried with him in his bag.

  The abbot nodded in satisfaction. No demon known could have seen the cross and sustain all those blessed objects. There was a devil possessed neither metamorphosed, too bad, because I would have gladly sent to hell in a heartbeat, however now ... Should resolve to get rid of the girl and take her back to his house.

  Appalled left the cell and met with the lay brothers.

  —Send out a messenger to the family villa Boudelle, Warn your daughter is in the abbey and ... (Hesitated). And as for the rest, she must remain locked in the cell. Receiving food but you must not talk to her. Not a word. And nobody knows you're here.

  It was an order and fulfilled to the letter. But fortunately the Prior was convinced it was a girl and not a demon.

  Louis Armand lashed his horse and forced him to retreat. It was noon and she does not appear anywhere, where the hell have you been? O was very clever and his knights and squires were fools. He cursed again and wondered where I would have gone the beautiful Paris. That forest was not a safe place, not too many missing critters and wolves and wild dogs.

  — Agnes, Agnes!—The shouted. 'Come here, girl, I will do you harm.

  And then, having spent hours exasperated by his s
pirited stallion ridden exclaimed: I find cat prude, pillared you and you will see what is good.

  In the afternoon, back to the abandoned house of his squires one spoke of the priory.

  'Perhaps you have reached the monastery my Lord, and if we can’t enter that place.

  — Does the priory of Saint Martin? Do you think I could get that far?

  'Well, not anywhere Count, and have sought eagerly and tirelessly.

  One of the squires, red hair and freckled face shouted from a distance:

  'I've found, Monsieur le Comte, I found a footprint.

  Everyone expected him to explain what happened. Apparently the young man had found the imprint of a person sleeping in the forest, near a large birch. And there was found near a medal of St. Ursula.

  Louis took the medal and smiled triumphantly, was the beautiful, still had her scent. That aroma of rose water that flooded his senses every time he saw her.

  —Good job, buddy squire. So if you saw a mark must be in the forest. Bring her, bring her my friends without delay!

  But the new search was not successful, and ended up convincing himself that if he was in the forest should seek help at the monastery.

  During dinner the young Earl pondered the matter calmly. I could go to the priory and demand that he returned to "his young wife who had lost his mind and fled." The monks believe, was the Chevalier de Montpellier, King's Cross and friend of this. And if that does not work threaten to accuse them with his majesty.

  But something would change their plans and was the arrival of a royal procession led by Arsène gentleman of Gauvin.

  'My Lord, you Gauvin gentle looking, want to speak.

  Louis dozing before the fire sat furious. He knew what he meant, that monarch's faithful dog had been at his heels all the time since he discovered his presence in Paris. And now that the fair had gone through the work of the devil had found his stash, too fast, as if he had been following.

  —Good morning Lord grant you, sir Arsène.

  The gentleman did not stop at courtesies, brought angry and defiant gesture .